Alexa Loves : Hampstead Heath (the sequel!)

What can I say? Another weekend, and I've been on the Heath with my camera again. And to be honest, the light was so beautiful I practically ran all the way there! The first few images are on Burghley Road along the way, I was interested in shadows and light on the buildings - giving them a bit of a temporary magical glow, beautiful.  It's like bronzer, for the cheeks of buildings...

After a wander around, we ended up on Parliament Hill - I just have to get that view of the city every time. What a weekend for it - such glorious weather that most of North London seemed to have the same idea, it was rather busy up there! So I took a photograph of the same place as last time I was raving on about the Heath- same spot, different weekend.

Then I had an idea - it's interesting to revisit the same situation and photograph it in different circumstances.  If you saw this post on my Heath silhouettes, you can probably guess where this is headed...So I stand looking up to the brow of the hill and look at the sun setting behind.  I just love people watching and this is the ultimate spot.  I could look at these images for hours, always finding something new. Whilst they might seem mega 'photoshopped' all I have done is enhance the level of black in the photograph so that the silhouette is more powerful (and the example below I converted to black and white too to see what would happen, I kinda like it!) It's like a skyline of people, looking out on a skyline of London. LOVE.

Who is your favourite 'character' in the scenes? I think mine is the guy on the right on the bench, or the camera man.  I also like the pointing towards the city! Look, over there, that's the....

And this one gives a little more of an idea of the atmosphere...