Alexa Loves : Christmas shopping in the rain...

A rainy afternoon in the week leading up to Christmas. I'm late home and the last place most people would want to be would be Regent Street amongst the last minute shoppers in the pouring wet. However, instead of running for my bus I took out my camera and tried to capture the magical feeling.

Trying my hand at street photography. Umbrellas, traffic roaring, lights twinkling, emotion, excitement, stress, wet feet. Stop. Wait. Go. Stop again. Shutter speed on slow, having a go at capturing the hustle and bustle. So many people rushing and chatting and bubbles blowing outside Hamleys. As I photographed the light began to fade and it really was time to get home now. It was the carols outside John Lewis as I waited for the 390 bus that really got me as I wrapped my scarf tighter and wiped the raindrops from my lens. And that snog at Picadilly Circus was pretty epic!

He was playing Once in Royal David's City, one of my favourite carols ever. Do you have a favourite Christmas carol? Have you finished all of your shopping yet? I am pretty much done and have found some lovely things, for once I haven't left it all until Christmas Eve to do in John Lewis in half an hour!