Wedding at Dewsall Court

Saturday was the most awesome day - 40 family and friends gathered for Ness and Anita's wedding at Dewsall Court in Hereford. I just adored how relaxed everyone was - they had arrived at the country house on Friday, stayed over, spent time together and drank wine in their onesies ready for the wedding the next day.  Perfect.  When I arrived on the Saturday everyone seemed super relaxed and ready to celebrate!There were instant camera selfies galore, eye-spy camera challenges, amazing personalised little gifts for each guest at the table, wonderful family and friends, beautiful speeches and more than anything else a whole lotta love in the room.  I came away totally buzzing, what a wedding! Their gorgeous dog Digby was the star of the show in his bright blue bow dewsall court hereford_0067 wedding dewsall court hereford_0070 wedding dewsall court hereford_0069A table full of their favourite keepsakes and memories shared over the years...enough to make me weep tears of joy! :)wedding dewsall court hereford_0071 wedding dewsall court hereford_0074 wedding dewsall court hereford_0072And Michelle managed to catch both bouquets - that really does take some dewsall court hereford_0073 A huge congratulations to Ness and Anita, thank you so much for having me, I can't wait to send the rest of your photos soon x