Happy New Year! I wanted to share these highlights of 2016, an absolute pleasure to photograph every single one. Thank you to all of you who have asked me to be part of your world for a small time. I guess I've been a bit quieter than usual online this year, after making an effort to step back from social media, and tried to make my connections in real life more meaningful. It means that I've shared much less of my photography with you, but I have been working hard behind the scenes, spent more time with my growing family and had a much better life balance which has in turn lead to inspiration and time to reflect.This past year has brought some amazing experience and opportunities outside of wedding and family bookings, from being asked to photograph Rochan & Xeco's wedding for Mr and Mrs Unique magazine at the Snap Photography Festival, shooting the summer look book for Jolly Brown Vintage in Hitchin, to a children's fashion shoot for Little Flea magazine, so you'll find some of these images in here too! And this year I won the Photography Farm Wedding Image of the Year which was an awesome, exciting surprise!I guess the word that has resonated me throughout 2016, has been 'connection'. Connection between the people who ask me to photograph their most precious of days, whether this be a wedding day or inviting me into their family home. Connections between myself and the people I photograph. My connection with the world. It's been about finding the epic moments and the more gentle, but so equally important, in-betweens. I honestly cannot tell you what a priviledge it is to get to know the people I photograph, to learn from them and grow as a photographer. This is a bit of a mega post, but I couldn't cut it down any more as I have adored every single shoot! So settle in and enjoy this mixture of moments from 2016... And I will finish with this photo from Paul and Pina's wedding that I photographed in October. A little group shot with me in the middle - I have photographed all three of these wonderful couples' weddings, and feel so happy that we were able to take this one of us all together. There is nothing more amazing than getting to know the people I work with, talking with their parents, families and friends, watching their families grow, and their lives unfold with many more adventures ahead. This is why this job is flippin amazing...