Spring time is here...

Life lately...mostly exploring in the garden with this little outdoor bear.Blogging is something that has got lost along the way whilst I have been working hard on weddings and family shoots over the past year or so.  I've wanted to give my all to my clients and to family life, and blogging is the thing that's fallen by the wayside. I really have missed it! So I just wanted to do a little post to kick start 2016, and begin to share some of my favourite images.   These photos are of my boy, a quick snap shot, two precious minutes sitting on the garden bench 'chair, chair!' before he was off exploring once again. It's this that I love about photographing young children, the pace in their energy and interests as it ebbs and flows -  it's so interesting to capture the contrast in these moments.I am so looking forward to sharing some family sessions I have been shooting over the last few months, next up on the blog, watch this space!Hitchin family photographer Herts-1 Hitchin family photographer Herts-2Hitchin family photographer Herts-5 Hitchin family photographer Herts-3 Hitchin family photographer Herts-4
