Self portrait

Saturday afternoon -I decided to have a go at making my own portrait, first time I ever tried this but set myself up in my bedroom in front of the window and tried to capture the calmness and safe feeling I always have in this room.  Life has been so busy lately, it was great to take some time out - it almost feels like a reference point to return to next time I'm feeling unsure or a bit busy and stressed out. I wasn't sure whether to share these's a bit brave but I want my blog to document my journey as a photographer, so here you are!

I'm taking part in the Susannah Conway shooting from the heart online course at the moment, I'm really enjoying exploring photography in a more reflective way. I have also been reading the Luminous Portrait book by Elizabeth Messina ( an inspirational wedding photographer) They both talk about capturing the light, channelling the feeling and then the creativity in every shot you take and even carrying around my phone and capturing instagrams, as well as when I'm doing a shoot with my DSLR these thoughts I hope to carry with me.